Frequently Asked Questions

You have 90 days to complete the course and we are available to answer any questions or concerns that you have.

Yes, we are available to answer your questions.

We accept payments via Paypal, Zell and Cashapp

If you decide to cancel a class before you start, you will get a full refund. We do not issue refund if sign up to take the class online because the course is already discounted at an unbelievable amount.

It can take up to 24 hours to set up your account but it is usually less than that.

You can call us after anytime between from 4:00-9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. You can reach us via email or text messages.

No, we don’t provide investment advise. We are strictly and educational website.

Cash accounts are used by customers who pay in full for the cost of the securities purchased. Margin accounts are used by customers who are authorized to borrow part of an investment’s total purchase cost from their brokerage firm. This loan from the brokerage firm to the customer is secured by the value of the securities in the customer’s account. Customers generally use margin to expand their purchasing power. However, customers who use margin also run the risk that if the value of the securities that secure the margin loan declines beyond a certain level, additional money or securities must be deposited to the account in order to make up the value. A brokerage firm may sell part or all of any securities held in the account, without prior notice to the customer, in order to make up the value and meet the margin limit requirements. These “margin calls” may occur suddenly and investors should take care to understand the financial impact that trading on margin can have on the value of their accounts.

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